Saturday, December 26, 2020

Commuting the EZE Way

In July 1999 I was honored to have an article published about my Varieze in KITPLANES magazine.

The cover lists a story inside on "Commuting the Eze way", and the index has a small picture and pointer to page 26. On pages 26 to 29 are some nice pictures and a story of my commuting regimen. 

Special thanks to Dr. Bob Gray, Professor at San Diego State University and EZ builder/driver, for authoring the article and to Dave Martin for great editorial work. The photos are the work of good friend Stephanie Sanguinetti, and Bob Gray.

What began as a somewhat preposterous notion -- that you could use an airplane designed for casual day VFR flight, and consistently and reliably fly IFR and at night in the LA airspace -- has become normal and accepted. However, as the article points out, it would not be possible without the help of some very special people. The article gives credit to: the legendary Bruce Evans for constructing this wonderful, solid little airplane; the San Diego EZ Squadron members for their initial and constant advice and support; to Dave Ronneberg and Renaissance Composites for being the Sky Slug's Santa Monica home-away-from-home; to hall-of-fame pilot Dave Kilbourne for being my hangar mate in Carlsbad and my source of inspiration; to face-less ATC folks at both towers and on SO-CAL approach whose friendly voices comfort me when the air gets lumpy; and, perhaps most importantly to Nancy Paul Thomas for suggesting the idea, endless encouragement, the nightly vigil monitoring my progress on 127.30 and loving support for my crazy lifestyle.

Thanks to all of you who have been interested in the Varieze and have encouraged me in so many ways!


Cary Thomas EASY-5-Niner-2.

"Once you have flown
You will walk the earth
With your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been
And there you long to return!"

Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519

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